Gambaran Keseluruhan GoGoAnime – Pengalaman Sebenar Saya dengannya (April 2022)

Ever wanted to stream or download anime online? Then go visit GoGoAnime to make your day! The question is, what happened GoGoAnime? Is GoGoAnime safe? You can get the detailed explanations here.

What is GoGoAnime

GoGoAnime is a popular online anime streaming and downloading site. It allows users and page visitors free access to a large catalog of anime series and movies. Most of the anime on the site came from Japan, but you can still find some from the US, China, and other countries. You can even choose between sub and dub options.

There is just something for everyone on this website. There are shonen, shojo, seinen, horror, comedy, slice of life, ecchi, isekai, and other genres that any user can enjoy. Your options are nigh bottomless.

GoGoAnime has a simple interface that allows easy navigation and use. And you can find all the latest and hottest anime right on the front page of the website. GoGoAnime is just easy to use.

Unlike other anime streaming sites, GoGoAnime doesn’t have a comment section that allows you to partake in online discussions.  Also, there are tons of ads, but that’s okay because you can still watch for free. Isn’t that amazing?

In regards to downloading, yes you can download anime on this website, but you don’t know how to do it. How can you download anime?

Well, don’t worry there Weeb-kun because today we will show you the step by step tutorial on downloading anime from the GoGoAnime website.

How to Download Videos from GoGoAnime?

Downloading anime here is a quick and easy affair. All you have to do is follow the 9 steps in the instructions below:

    1. Open your web browser.
    2. Go to the GoGoAnime website.
    3. Type the title of the anime you want to watch on the search bar. (If the anime is new, there is a chance you can find it on the front page. If you have found it, click it.)
    4. Once the search results appear, click the option that you want. You can choose sub or dub.
    5. Click on the episode you want to download in the selection below the video player.
    6. Click the play button (the giant triangle) in the middle of the video player.
    7. Click the download button. You can find it in the lower right corner of the video player. It is the downward arrow over a rectangle without a topside.
    8. After clicking, you will be redirected to
    9. Pick the video resolution of your preference. With great video resolution comes great file size.
    10. Wait for the download to finish, and once done, you can now watch it offline. You can even share the downloaded mp4 file to other devices.

downloaded gogoanime video

Note: If you can’t find the download button on the video player, click the menu in the upper right corner and click the Vidstreaming server, and then proceed to step 5.
download gogoanime video
Now you are set to start downloading anime episodes or movies.

GoGoAnime Review – FAQs You Want to Know 

However, I don’t want to burst your bubble, but, not all anime has an available download option. Much of the older series like Dragon Ball, Gundam, Attack on Titan, etc can’t be downloaded on this site. Yeah, I know it’s a bummer for us fans of classic anime but it is what it is.

If you want to download classic anime try other free anime streaming sites like 9anime, AnimeDao, Kissanime, etc.

If you only want to download what’s latest, then you’re in good hands.

But before you go, here are answers to some of your GoGoAnime questions:

Is GoGoAnime Safe?

The answer shown in their ww2 gogoanime2 org is quite contradicting and confusing, but let me make it easy for you. You can browse, stream, and download in GoGoAnime and expect that your device won’t crash for some time. However, there are quite a lot of ads, especially pop up ads. Those pop up ads have the potential to invite harmful malware and viruses that can damage your device.

To be extra safe when using GoGoAnime, install an antivirus and use an ad blocker or VPN whenever streaming and downloading. Always remember, it pays to be safe.

Is It Safe to Download from GoGoAnime?

The website claims Yes, but we should approach this with skepticism. After all, every click you do on the website can lead to a pop-up ad That includes the download buttons. The download’s safety is also questionable. You don’t know if the downloads carry malware and viruses. So your best option here is to use anti-virus and a VPN.
gogoanime website

Is GoGoAnime Legal?

The ww2 gogoanime2 org website states that the website is completely legal. However, the content they publish is not. This is why the real URL got bogged down by clones and became hard to pinpoint. If you are particular about watching anime from legal sources, then I suggest you stream on Netflix, Muse Asia (YouTube), CrunchyRoll, Funimation, etc.

Is there a GoGoAnime App?

Yes. GoGoAnime has an app that you can download. It is available on Google Play and various APK downloading sites.

Is GoGoAnime Down?

Currently, several of their sites are active and functional. Just go ahead and visit any of them.

Why Are There So Many GoGoAnime Sites?

According to the ww2 gogoanime2 org website, GoGoAnime frequently makes changes and updates to its URLs to keep it from getting shut down. That is the reason why there are many GoGoAnime URLs.

Another reason for this is that there are many clone sites. Like other sites, such as Kiss Anime, GoGoAnime has several clone sites that offer the same service as the original.

What Is The Real GoGoAnime URL?

Whenever you search GoGoAnime on the web, your browser engine will show you many results. There is ww2 gogoganime2 org, gogoanime fi, gogoanime mom, etc. It is confusing which one is real because most of them allow you to stream and download for free.

However, there is a WordPress “article” that states that is the real site. I tried opening the URL and the search function doesn’t work. I don’t know about you, but I think they lied to us.

Which is the safe gogoanime site? I do not know, maybe Animedao , Vumoo, or else. So if you search for GoGoAnime, just pick the one that appears on page 1 of google search results. If it allows you to watch and download, then great. If otherwise, then banish it to the shadow realm. I’m kidding of course, or am I?

Now you learned a lot about the GoGoAnime website compared to other weebs after reading this article. You learned what this website is, how to download it, its safety, legality, and why are there so many of them. After this, go ahead and visit the website to download the latest anime series or movies you want.

So, thank you for reading this article, and have a fun anime day.

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